leonardo finotti architectural photographer
newsletter 2015 #04/



newsletter 2015 #04

Mayo Bucher - The LAMA project, exhibition at LAMA.SP, São Paulo, Brazil

Invited by LAMA (Latin American Modern Architecture), Swiss artist Mayo Bucher will be having his first solo exhibition in Brazil, along with a monumental, yet time bound intervention on the facade of São Paulo’s highest skyscraper, Mirante do Vale building. LAMA São Paulo, is a new and privately run exhibition off-space. As an idealistic platform its target is to organize exhibitions and other non-commercial cultural events, like speeches and performances. Exchanging ideas and values and bringing together people interested in architecture, design and art and beyond.
Since Mayo Bucher has been working for many years at the interface of art towards architecture and global communication, Mayo is largely interested in transcultural exchange. Questioning meaning and developing new artistic and urban strategies in relation to everyday life is one of his key interests. The outside and large scaled installation will be accomplished with an exhibition on the 37th floor of the building. Covering not only a video projection, an installation but also twelve site-specific large collages, while using a selection of photographies by Leonardo Finotti of downtown São Paulo.

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